How to cleanse your skin and why.

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 24th Jan 2015

How to cleanse your skin and why.

If staying young and beautiful is your ultimate goal, than you should take care of your skin. And proper skincare begins with thorough cleansing. If the skin is not completely free of makeup, and the pores clear of excess oil and impurities, additional skincare products like serums and moisturizers cannot be completely absorbed into the skin and work to their full potential. A thorough cleansing method not only prepares the skin for subsequent products, but clears the pores, allowing the skin to regenerate and maintain itself with less effort. 

To properly cleanse the skin, use a gentle cleanser and massage into the face and neck in circular movements, working your way upwards, to prevent dragging the skin down which, if repeated, can lead to sagging and premature aging. Remove the cleanser with a warm, wet washcloth or flannel, and repeat if you were wearing makeup to fully cleanse the skin. While cleansing is an important base step, achieving truly healthy skin also depends on cell regeneration and good blood circulation. Exfoliation via gentle scrubbing sloughs away dead skin cells, softening the skin and allowing new cells to regenerate. By removing the dead cells, the skin is also more receptive to topical skincare products like moisturizers, masques and serums. Exfoliation can also improve the health of your skin on a deeper level, since it stimulates blood circulation underneath the skin, which oxygenates the cells. To maintain the skin's moisture balance, and avoid irritation, exfoliating scrubs should not be used daily, but 1 to 3 times per week.