
Don’t be afraid to age, even celebrities do. Or do they?

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 30th Sep 2015

Don’t be afraid to age, even celebrities do. Or do they?

The aging is inevitable. How do you feel about yourself and how you look? I am going to talk about all the celebrities who have aged “gracefully” over the years. Of course, these type of articles are always a little bit unfair because it is all … read more
Best kept secrets of youthful skin

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 22nd Aug 2015

Best kept secrets of youthful skin

It is a well-known fact that our skin, the largest organ in your body, is the one thing that we cannot easily fix once damaged.We can control what we expose our lungs too, but our skin is exposed to everything all the time, every day. UV rays break … read more
Niacinamide, what is it?

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 5th Jun 2015

Niacinamide, what is it?

Right now, the new star ingredient on the market is Niacinamide. With a lot of research to back up its performance, this luxury ingredient is here to take your skin care to a whole new level. Whether you’re looking for results in the realm of pigment … read more
Weirdest Beauty Treatments

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 17th Feb 2015

Weirdest Beauty Treatments

We have all seen or heard of a beauty treatment that had us stop and say “What the? They are kidding, right?” However, women (and even men) are obsessed about looking young for as long as possible. We are inundated with photos of Hollywood women w … read more