
Preservation Reservation

Posted by sweetsation therapy on 13th Aug 2021

Preservation Reservation

Yucky, yucky preservatives. Stay away! Do you hear this often? I bet. As much as I am tempted to follow the trend of warning humanity against preservatives as an evil we can’t get away from, I will not. In recent times it became very common to mar … read more
From an idea to the shelf. How a new cosmetic product is born.

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 14th Jan 2021

From an idea to the shelf. How a new cosmetic product is born.

It is not a secret that it’s fun to make a cosmetic product. And most of us have tried to make a facial mask or a toner in their kitchen at some point. At the first sight it’s not really hard. Technically true. But would it be a safe product for use … read more
Reduce stress with Dark Chocolate

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 18th Feb 2017

Reduce stress with Dark Chocolate

It’s not a surprise that eating chocolate makes us feel better and happier. And there is a reason for that. Researchers in Switzerland have shown people who eat a daily dose of dark chocolate may be less stressed.Stress is a part of our lives. And … read more
How Stress Affects Your Skin

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 1st May 2015

How Stress Affects Your Skin

Stress affects all aspects of our life. Our relationships, bodies, minds, health and unfortunately our skin end up showing all the signs. Stress is just one thing, in a laundry list of items, that takes its toll on our skin. Our emotions have a po … read more
Why Should You Buy Natural Skin Care Products

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 1st May 2015

Why Should You Buy Natural Skin Care Products

The average person uses 10 different skin care products on their body every day. That is nearly 130 chemicals that we lather, slather, spray and rub on ourselves. The FDA claims that these chemicals are safe in small doses, but when you consider t … read more
Kitchen help for quick pick-me-up.

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 17th Feb 2015

Kitchen help for quick pick-me-up.

When you open your fridge throughout the day and take inventory of its contents the last thing you are probably thinking of is skin care. However, there are numerous items hiding in there that not only enhance your food but can also enhance your s … read more