
Everything you always wanted to know about Vitamin C

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 19th Oct 2018

Everything you always wanted to know about Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been all the hype in the resent years claiming to do a lot for the skin beauty. Many companies compete for leadership by including higher content of Vitamin C in their products and then making it a prominent part in their marketing. … read more
Ancient beauty secret is back!

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 9th Dec 2015

Ancient beauty secret is back!

Facial oils have been very popular as of late. But as matter of fact, facial oils are not a trend and not even a new discovery. The use of oils has existed for centuries. They have been used by Cleopatra 2000 years ago and even have been used as a fo … read more
Why Vitamins are Essential for a Healthy Skin

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 10th Nov 2014

Why Vitamins are Essential for a Healthy Skin

Our skin needs certain vitamin supplements which are necessary to prevent and reverse the signs of aging. We all know that eating a well balanced diet is essential, because consuming a number of healthy meals, loaded with nutrients, helps maintain … read more