Why Should You Buy Natural Skin Care Products

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 30th Apr 2015

Why Should You Buy Natural Skin Care Products

The average person uses 10 different skin care products on their body every day. That is nearly 130 chemicals that we lather, slather, spray and rub on ourselves. The FDA claims that these chemicals are safe in small doses, but when you consider that the average woman adds a quick spray here and a dab there every day, it begins to add up. The fact is, that no one can really say with certainty how those chemicals are going to affect us over time.

Of the 10,500 cosmetics and skin care ingredients known to the FDA almost 90 percent have not been evaluated for safety by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review or the FDA. Certain chemicals have been known to be dangerous. Take Phthalates, for example, which is often found in artificial fragrances. It is a class of hormone disruptor which has been linked to sperm damage, infertility, birth defects, and the feminization of baby boys. Certain countries have decided to err on the side of safety. The European Union, for example, has banned 1,110 personal-product ingredients for use in cosmetics because of concerns that they may cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive ills. In comparison there are only 10 banned in the United States.

You will find some of the worst violators in your everyday skin care products. Parabens are a preservative that prevent growth, mold and yeast in cosmetic products. They also possess estrogen-mimicking properties that are contributed with increased risk of breast cancer. It is found in makeup, body washes, deodorants, shampoos and facial cleansers. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) can be found in more that 90 percent of personal care and cleaning products (for instance foaming products). One of the biggest concerns is the potential that it can interact and combine with other chemicals to form nitrosamines, which is a carcinogen. This can lead to a whole bunch of other problems like kidney and respiratory damage. Your skin will thank you for using skin care products made with natural ingredients.

Products made with organic ingredients are not only be better for your skin, but products made with organic or natural ingredients tend to go further and last longer. While you may spend slightly more money for them in the beginning, in the long run they cost less. Chemicals are cheaper than all natural or organic ingredients, because it is easier to produce them in a lab, than to naturally grow a plant. Something that can be chemically cooked up or manufactured in a few days vs. something that needs the sun, earth, and rain to grow and mature will always cost more. Ask yourself this. Would you rather have a fresh and naturally grown pineapple or a Twinkie? Before you answer, know this When a Twinkies ingredients list is actually investigated it was found that it is almost completely made of non-food. The ingredients of a Twinkie include limestone (yes the rock), the glue that you lick on the back of an envelope (it keeps the cream from seeping into the cake), and shortening (it is what the cream is made from). There is no sign of milk or butter in the Twinkies. As for eggs, there is 1/500th of an egg in every Twinkie. So….which do you choose?

If you wouldn't want to put that type of stuff into your body why would you want to put it on your body?